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Farnam Tri-Tec 14 Insecticide (Fly Repellent) Spray
Farnam Tri-Tec Insecticide protects against and kills horse and stable flies, house flies, face flies, horn and deer flies, mosquitoes, ticks, gnats and lice.
Read MoreTri-Tec 14 Insecticide Fly Repellent is a water-based formula that protects your horse against six types of biting and nuisance flies, plus gnats, mosquitoes, lice and deer ticks that may transmit Lyme disease. Tri-Tec 14 delivers quick, knockdown and long-lasting protection and keeps working for up to 14 days.
Farnam Tri-Tec 14 has been granted a British HSE (license 9215), as an insecticide spray for use in equestrian premises, confirming Tri-Tec 14 kills the disease carrying pests.
Tri-Tec 14, has also been used in the USA for years as an 'on horse spray'.
Efficacy tests prove Tri-Tec 14 kills horse and stable flies, house flies, face flies, horn and deer flies, mosquitoes, ticks, gnats and lice.
The unique formula contains multiple active ingredients including: Cypermethrin, Pyrethrins, Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical and Butoxypolypropylene Glycol, making it very effective, long lasting and economical.
This is a strong potent product that is widely regarded within the horse fraternity, one application can last up to 14 days with no washing but will remain active in light showery conditions. Tri-Tec 14 Insecticide may seem expensive but with its potent effects and longevity it more than justifies it price.